Content Development
Mobilize Your Information Content
EV, hybrid and autonomous technologies represent a continuous evolution toward greater product complexity. The demand for accessible and effective information content has never been higher. As leading innovators in product information content, Tweddle Group’s Content Development teams are uniquely suited to help new organizations build efficient content operations from the ground up, ensuring seamless multi-channel delivery of accurate, up-to-date information content.

Content Development for Total Flexibility
Technicians and end-users expect on-demand, multi-channel access to your information content. Our content development process pulls information out of departmental silos and reconfigures it for whatever formats best suit your end-users—from printed reference kits and their digital counterparts to diagnostic tools and instructional videos—and allows them to access those materials wherever they choose—mobile app, the web or an in-vehicle center stack control system.
High-Quality, Low-Maintenance Information Content

Better service information creates faster, more accurate repairs, which means a more profitable service operation and greater customer satisfaction. Our Service Information developers transform raw engineering data and firsthand bay testing into clear reference materials, upfitter manuals, first responder guides, rescue sheets, body builder guides, incomplete vehicle documents and labor time studies with proven, real-world accuracy. Whether served to new hires or experienced field technicians, our service information significantly improves FTFRs (First Time Fix Rates).

Owners and end-users need high-quality product information. High-quality information content raises feature awareness, alleviates frustration and promotes end-user safety—a particular concern for products featuring BEV, hybrid, hydrogen and ADAS technologies. With Tweddle Group’s decades of expertise, even brand-new organizations challenged with developing a content strategy can have a friction-free Owner Information workflow up and running quickly, and existing brands can streamline their information workflows without process disruption.

From a full suite of print and digital design services—including front-end UX/UI development and campaign direction—to full-scale video and XR production services to a dedicated CGI/CAD team with decades of engineering experience, Tweddle Group’s Creative teams provide plug-and-play agency service at a far-more-affordable cost. Because they’re integrated with other Tweddle Group Content Development areas, these teams execute your projects with greater speed and flexibility, too.